
eLearning Africa 2016 The Film – “Making Vision Reality”
June 20, 2016
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African Ministers Explored Information, Communication, Education, Training and Technology Issues in Order to Achieve a “Transformed Continent”.
eLearning Africa 2016, the eleventh edition of the annual international conference on ICT for Development, Education and Training in Africa, launched on 24 May under the auspices of H.E. Yasser Elkady, Egypt’s Minister of Communications and Information Technology. The event’s theme was “Making Vision Reality. It was hosted by the Egyptian Ministry of Communications and ...
May 25, 2016
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2063 Vision: Ministers move from ideas to action
African ministers attending the ninth eLearning Africa Ministerial Round Table in Cairo on May 24th are looking to turn dreams into reality. Education and training are at the heart of the African Union’s 2063 Vision for a ‘transformed continent’, and ministers of Education, Skills, Finance and ICT from all over Africa will discuss delivery mechanisms ...
May 20, 2016
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Going Global 2016 concluded successfully
From May 3rd – 5th 2016, over 800 participants from 70 countries came together in Cape Town, South Africa for the British Council’s annual Going Global 2016 conference. The overarching theme of this prestigious event was “Building nations and connecting cultures: education policy, economic development and engagement” For more information, please visit
May 19, 2016
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eLearning Africa: Sharing infrastructure must be top priority
The African Union’s Commissioner for Infrastructure and Energy, HE Mrs Elham Mahmood Ahmed Ibrahim, will tell participants at this year’s eLearning Africa conference that sharing infrastructure must be a top priority for African governments. Mrs Ibrahim, who will be a keynote speaker at eLearning Africa in Cairo on May 24, is convinced that by sharing ...
May 12, 2016
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Variety is key! Early booking discount for Expolingua Berlin 2016
Expolingua Berlin, Germany’s leading international exhibition for languages and cultures, is being held this year November 18th and 19th at the familiar and popular “Russisches Haus der Wissenschaft und Kultur” venue. Until May 15th, interested exhibitors such as language-course providers, language-study-travel organisers, exchange-programme organisations, language-app providers and publishers can receive a discount on registration. Whether ...
May 2, 2016
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studyworld 2016 – Attendees benefit from orientation for studies and career
The eleventh International Fair for Higher and Continuing Education concluded successfully on April 23rd in Berlin. A total of 8,046 visitors attended the two-day exhibition to acquire information about national and international bachelor’s and master’s programmes, as well as facts regarding opportunities for internships and semesters abroad. Once again this year, exhibitors from around the ...
April 26, 2016
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OEB 2016: “Owning Learning” and what happens when students take control
Ownership is the new buzz-word in education. Tomorrow’s learning is about ownership. We will own our learning. We will control what, where, when and how we learn. We will access, link, combine, interpret and interact with knowledge. We will be empowered as never before. We will make learning work for us. Increasingly, it is the ...
March 23, 2016
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eLearning Africa: Africa’s vision for education and how it will become reality
More than 1200 international education and technology experts, advisers and investors will gather in Cairo in May to discuss how to turn the African Union’s vision of a “transformed continent” into reality. They will look at how developments in technology could enable education and training to boost growth and transform the lives and prospects of ...
March 22, 2016
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Expolingua Berlin wins 2015 Language Industry Award (LIA)
Expolingua Berlin, the leading international exhibition for languages and cultures, is amongst the winners of the third edition of the Language Industry Awards. Expolingua Berlin was awarded as the “Best Learning and Networking Event 2015” after winning 32% of the votes. As the LIA team explained, a total of forty nominees for the eight Awards ...
March 21, 2016
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ICWE was in charge of implementing the communication strategy by developing strong, sustainable and reliable connections with key media and journalists throughout Europe. ICWE was also responsible for organising a Journalists’ Conference … The team of ICWE GmbH has delivered all its services to our full satisfaction in a very motivated and highly professional way.

Ralf Jacob | Head of Unit – European Commission DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion