Expolingua Berlin wins 2015 Language Industry Award (LIA)

Expolingua Berlin, the leading international exhibition for languages and cultures, is amongst the winners of the third edition of the Language Industry Awards. Expolingua Berlin was awarded as the “Best Learning and Networking Event 2015” after winning 32% of the votes.
As the LIA team explained, a total of forty nominees for the eight Awards gathered over 21,000 votes, 7,000 more than last year. Again this year, around 100 national and international nominations were submitted from all corners of the language industry for the long list. Forty of these were shortlisted and competed for an Award. This year the LIAs were presented at The Value of Language, an international conference on language products and services. The conference took place at the KU Leuven Faculty of Arts campus in Brussels.
Expolingua Berlin 2016 will take place November 18th – 19th , 2016. The event will again offer an ideal forum for people to gather new information and to delve their way into learning foreign languages. As always, visitors will have personal contact with suppliers and specialists in order to expand their international networks and liaise with their current contacts.

March 21, 2016