OEB 2016: “Owning Learning” and what happens when students take control

Ownership is the new buzz-word in education.

Tomorrow’s learning is about ownership. We will own our learning. We will control what, where, when and how we learn. We will access, link, combine, interpret and interact with knowledge. We will be empowered as never before. We will make learning work for us.

Increasingly, it is the learners themselves who will own their education. And over 2,300 international education professionals will be in Berlin this December to discuss the implications.

This year’s OEB is all about the implications of this shift. It’s about what will happen when students start to take ownership and control of their learning. What does this shift mean – for learners, for institutions and for the industry? What are the opportunities? What are the obstacles? How far can, or should, it go?

OEB, which will take place in Berlin from November 30th to December 2nd, will feature several sectoral ‘tracks’. These will include Business Educa, which will focus on how developments in global markets will affect the workplace and its training requirements; Video Educa, which will look at the explosion in the use of video and other forms of communication; and Future Educa, which will examine emerging technologies and their implications.

March 23, 2016