Turnitin sponsors OEB MidSummit

Turnitin, the leading online resource for learning and writing, is one of the major sponsors for the OEB MidSummit this June in Reykjavik. MidSummit brings together leading experts, thinkers, innovators and practitioners from North America and Europe to examine and discuss the future of learning.

Turnitin is an industry leader in supporting originality in writing around the globe. Its’ reputation as an innovator extends beyond their and to other technologies in the education sector. Director of New Product Development, Stephanie Butler, will present at the opening day plenary.

OEB MidSummit will be held at Hilton Reykjavik Nordica, June 8 – 9, 2017. To learn more about OEB MidSummit’s programme please visit our website.

April 3, 2017