Tongue twister video competition

“Fischers Fritze fischt frische Fische. Frische Fische…” Tongue twisters are a popular way to practice a foreign language. ‘Tre Tigre’ (Three Tigers) in Italian, for example, is a fun and effective way to get used to rolling ‘Rs’. But tongue twisters, the often nonsensical, rapid sequence of rhyming words, can trip up even the most articulate native speakers.

EXPOLINGUA Berlin is launching the “Twist your tongue” video contest and is calling for multilingual tongue twisters! All you need to do is send a short video of you saying a tongue twister in your language or, if you’re up to the challenge, in a foreign language. No matter the language, the most interesting, twistiest of tongue twisters will win great prizes. To participate in the contest, head to the Expolingua Facebook page and upload your video.

September 26, 2015