OEB Programme Promises to Inspire, Provoke & Entertain!

Over 200 international speakers presenting in more than 70 sessions across two days: the OEB 2015 programme is now online!

OEB 2015, Europe’s leading conference on digital education, will discuss the potential for a new age of global learning and creativity in which “everything is possible.” Rebecca Stromeyer, Chief Executive of conference organisers ICWE GmbH, has confirmed that the focus of this year’s conference, which will be held in Berlin on 2 – 4 December, will be on modernity and how people, organisations and societies can use technology-assisted education to secure the rewards of “a new era of fundamental change.”

We live in the age of convergence of media, computing and telecommunications with enormous significance for the future development of mankind. This ‘age of hypermedia’ holds out the prospect of significant new opportunities, but it also presents serious risks. Education, training and learning are the key to an effective response to the new challenges.

At the Opening Plenary of OEB 2015 (Thursday 3rd December), three leading thinkers on the implications of new developments in technology will look at the challenges facing us and explain how people, organisations and societies can accelerate the shift into a new era of opportunity.

Keynote speakers in OEB’s opening session will be:

  • Professor Ian Goldin, Director of Oxford University’s Martin Centre
  • Cory Doctorow, blogger, activist and science fiction writer
  • David Price, the author of ‘Open: How We’ll Work, Live and Learn in the Future’

The plenary session will be chaired by veteran BBC presenter Nik Gowing.
Discover the programme: www.online-educa.com/programme#agenda

September 24, 2015