New OEB website and launch of the Call for Proposals

We are pleased to announce that ONLINE EDUCA BERLIN, the global, cross-sector conference on ICT supported training and learning, is now known as OEB. A new website has been launched, along with a new logo and other graphic elements.

OEB 2015 celebrates its 21st anniversary in December this year and has launched a call for papers, welcoming proposals for presentations and topics for discussion from all interested parties.

Modernity is an era of momentous and accelerating change. How can people, businesses and organisations survive? How can they go beyond mere survival to succeed and prosper? How can we accelerate the shift to a new age of global learning and creativity in which everything is possible?

OEB 2015 will look at the challenge of modernity for education and training. We welcome your proposals for papers on how people, organisations, institutions and societies can use technology-enhanced education and training to accelerate the shift to a new age of opportunity.

Whether your interest is in formal or informal, workplace or classroom, in the cloud or on the ground, massive, personalised, social, open, corporate, pedagogy or analytics, we would like to hear about your expertise and discoveries: submit your proposal now!

Deadline: June 1st, 2015

OEB 2015 will be held in Berlin on 2 – 4 December.

For more information:

March 30, 2015