Global Vaccine Summit 2020

The UK government hosted the Global Vaccine Summit on June 4, 2020, held by videoconference in light of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The Summit brought together more than 300 people, including 42 Heads of State and Government. 62 countries were represented, notably 14 Gavi implementing countries, all of the G7 nations and 19 governments of the G20. Eminent participants also ministers from implementing and donor countries; CEOs of vaccine manufacturing companies and private sector partners; leaders of UN and other international agencies; senior civil society representatives; and Gavi champions. US$8.8 billion worth of new commitments were pledged by public and private sector donors towards Gavi’s replenishment, bringing its resources for 2021-2025 to more than US$10.5 billion.

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August 16, 2022